PodcastsChecking the Campus Pulse Through Research and Fortifying Yourself with 'Escape Rooms' and 'Silly Candy' - Aug 2018 w/ Dr. Saby Labor of Resilient Campus
Nothing Never Happens: A Podcast of Radical Musings on Social Justice, Pedagogies for Transformation, and Feminist Activism (Part 1; Part 2) - October 2017 with Dr. Tina Pippen Special episode: Courage, Courage for Our Friends - January 2017 with 2 Drunk Fans TRANSforming the World - March 2016 with Providence (this podcast no longer available) |
Print MediaWhy Being an 'Ally' Can Be More Complicated Than You May Think - November 2017 by Emell Derra Adolphus for HOUR Detroit
Chicago's Trans Advocates, From Celebs to Social Workers - April 2014 by Jake Malooley for Chicago Reader MOSAIC: Annual Conference on Gender - February 2012 by Rachel Cohen for The Tartan Role Reversal - October 2005 by April Dembosky for Mother Jones (note from T.J.: in this interview I use language and analysis that is quite dated at this point. It's a testament of how much my village has always and continues to challenge and teach me) Other Media#SpeakingofTransgender - November 2016 with Scott Turner Schofield (this platform no longer available)